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Sun, 06 Oct



Autumn Ceremonial Reflect and Nourish

Join Katie for an Autumnal pause. A relaxing day of reflection, meditation, journaling, ceremony and sharing. Lunch and snacks provided. What better way to prepare for the winters cave ahead.

Autumn Ceremonial Reflect and Nourish
Autumn Ceremonial Reflect and Nourish

Time & Location

06 Oct 2024, 11:00 – 16:00

Bythorn, The Old Stores, Main St, Bythorn, Huntingdon PE28 0QR, UK

About the Event

Autumn Pause

Every year I find myself and women around me desperately trying to hold on to the better weather, the flowers in the garden, the euphoric birdsong and the Summer foods when Autumn is a time to really take pause. 

To take a breath and take stock of all that has transpired in our minds and our body’s. Observe what has gone and prepare for what is to come, meeting it with an open heart and an acceptance of all that is. It is a time to find that inner joy that will guide us through the Winter months.

After the unfolding of the year and the heady, busy days of Summer connect back to your reflective self and allow peace and stillness in this most nourishing of spaces. Prepare yourself for the busy Yuletide season yet quiet months to come by allowing time for your frantic mind to quieten as space is gently held for you. 

Come and join us as we gather to give ourselves the interval and permission to delve into what has already gone this year, what our learnings are from these

experiences and what we wish to take forward on our journey into next year and beyond.

Expect beautiful, guided meditation, relaxation, journalling, nourishing lunch and snacks, space to think, movement and sound to bring ourselves back into our bodies and ceremonial release of what no longer serves us into the fire. 

All of this in the tranquil setting of ‘The Field of Healing’ at Bythorn, surrounded by nature, ensconced in a yurt with a group of women on their own journey. Support each other whilst also allowing yourself a place to just be who you are right now with no judgement.

Move through optional exercises to allow you to process, let go and step into what is current for you now, whilst the log burner keeps us cosy and

snug in our little sanctuary of complete peace and healing. Walk the labyrinth to contemplate or ask for answers as you enjoy this walking meditation.

From this beautiful day you may take away peace, learning, connection and nourishment in so many ways or something else that you find.

Please don’t worry if some of these things are new to you because I will be there every step of the way to guide and help you through the day

and you can just allow yourself to experience things at your own pace, there is never any pressure to join in.  You may be coming with a specific problem to ponder, a feeling that something needs to shift or just a craving for some peace in your mind to think. Whatever it is you need you can find it in this day of connection and of sisterhood while you take the time to pause!!

With Love



  • Autumnal Pause with Katie




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